Re: psf file for zeolite-water system

From: $B:,>k(J $B6Q(J (
Date: Mon Feb 23 2004 - 02:22:31 CST

  Dear NAMD users;
This is really good question. I am also a new NAMD user.
I would like to calculate the interaction between
carbon nanotubes, fullerenes inside CNT and amine outside CNT.
All these are nonbonded interactions between them.
Are these calculations possible?
Thanks in advance.
> I am a new NAMD user. I am trying to do MD simulations for water
> molecules confined in Zeolite pores. Zeolite is basicly a network of SiO2
> molecules. I created a pdb file for my water zeolite system successfuly,
> well that was the easy part. I know Si atom is not supported by Charmm
> topology file. So I cant create a psf file. Zeolite structure has only
> nonbonded interactions with water molecules. How should I modify the
> topology file? How can I use psfgen tool to create a psf file for this
> system? or should I forget NAMD for this system?
> Any advice would be appreciated.
> --
> Research Assistant
> Department of Chemical Engineering
> Worcester Polytechnic Institute
> 100 Institute Road, Worcester, MA 01609-2280

Hitoshi Nejo $B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:,>k!!6Q(J
National Institute for Materials Science$B!!J*<A!&:`NA8&5f5!9=(J
1-2-1 Sengen, Tsukuba 305-0047 Japan$B$D$/$P;T_at_i8=#1!]#2!<#1(J
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