Re: Clustermatic with SCSI

From: Leandro Martinez (
Date: Thu Aug 19 2004 - 07:12:57 CDT

   The kernel we were using was kernel-smp-2.6.5-1.358.x86_64
The error we found was
depmod: QM_MODULES: Function no implemented.
when trying to install the bproc modules. We have tried
to install several versions of module-init-tools but the
problem persists. Again, when trying to install the clutermatic
kernel over a system over a 2.6 kernel, we get complains
about the cm4 kernel being an older version. If we force
its installation with rpm --force, we get the cm4 kernel
to install, but the machine doesn't boot, probably because
the kernel does not recognizes the hard disks.
  Any suggestion is welcome.

On Wednesday 18 August 2004 09:28, Jerry Ebalunode wrote:
> Which kernel version are you runing with clustermatic?
> run "uname -a" get this information.
> what exactly is the message associated with QM_MODULES problem that
> you are
> getting?
> If it is failure to load modules by the modprobe/insmod program , you
> may want
> to install "module-init-tools" (a set of kernel module tools for the
> kernel >=2.6) This will provide compatible modprobe/insmod
> programs to load the modules.
> Here is the url
> > Hi namd users,
> > We have a 20 node Opteron 242 cluster in which we intend
> > to run namd. Our master node
> > is a similar machine with 2 SATA 160GB disk drives and
> > a 72GB SCSI disk (adaptec). We are having a hard time
> > trying to install clustermatic. First of all, the linux
> > systems that recognize the SATA and SCSI drivers (Fedora 2.0,
> > Suse 9.0, Mandrake 10.0, all x86_64 versions)
> > have problems with clustermatic
> > (bproc complains about QM_MODULES and about the cm4 kernel
> > being older than the 2.6 kernel of such linuxes). When
> > trying to install Red Hat 9.0, we found out that RH9 does
> > not recognizes the SATA and SCSI drivers, neither does the
> > kernel provided by cm4 does. Does anyone has any experience on
> > that could help? Was there any problem that had to
> > be overcome when the Ariel cluster from TCBG with cm4 and
> > rh9 was installed, since the master node contains two SCSI
> > disks? Any help will be appreciated.
> > Thank you very much,
> > Leandro Martinez.
> >
> >
> > --
> > ------------------------------------------
> > Leandro Martínez
> > Department of Physical Chemistry
> > Institute of Chemistry
> > State University of Campinas, Brazil
> > ------------------------------------------

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