From: J. Rui Rodrigues (
Date: Fri Apr 30 2004 - 14:02:49 CDT
I usually do this in VMD with the following proc:
proc writeindex {{selection} {filename} {frame 0} } {
set fileId [open ./$filename.ind w 0640]
set sel [atomselect top $selection frame $frame]
puts $fileId "[$sel get index]"
close $fileId
$sel writepdb $filename.pdb
where selection is the selection text (e.g, "protein") and filename is the
basename for the index file (.ind) and for a pdb with the selection. In your
case, type ate vmd prompt:
writeindex "protein" your_protein
Rui Rodrigues
Giovanni <> escreveu:
> thanks a lot, but the real problem is when I try to get rid of the water
> using an index file.
> the coordinates of my protein without water are not the same as in the
> original file.
> Maybe there is something wrong in my index file ...
> I generate it using awk and reading the pdb file and I obtain a column
> with the numbers of the atoms that I want in the new dcd.
> --
> ========================================
> Giovanni Bellesia
> Theory and Computation Group
> Department of Chemistry
> University College Dublin
> Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
> ========================================
-- J. Rui Rodrigues Departamento de Química Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia Universidade de Coimbra 3004-535 Coimbra Portugal
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