From: Edward Patrick Obrien (
Date: Thu Apr 29 2004 - 13:09:05 CDT
In case anyone runs into a similar problem in the future the solution is:
Change this TCL script:
package require psfgen
topology top_all27_prot_lipid.inp
segment X {
first none
last none
pdb X_start.pdb}
patch ACE X:1
patch CT3 X:11
coordpdb X_start.pdb X
writepdb test.pdb
writepsf test.psf
To this:
package require psfgen
topology top_all27_prot_lipid.inp
segment X {
pdb X_start.pdb
first ACE
last CT3
coordpdb X_start.pdb X
writepdb test.pdb
writepsf test.psf
This should give the proper angle and dihedral defenitions in the .psf
On Thu, 29 Apr 2004, Ed Obrien wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Apr 2004, Ed wrote:
> Hi All,
> Serious problem here (I think), I create a .pdb and .psf with patches
> of CT3 (methyl amide) and ACE, but in the .psf file there is no angle
> definitions nor dihedral definitions for the patched atoms!
> This leads to serious problems... when I minimize, or run MD, the atoms
> in the patches contort and float around like they don't feel each other,
> outrageous bond angles can occur! And finally the system crashes at some
> point because RATTLE can't take it.
> Why are angle and dihedral not being defined? How can I correct it?
> Just in case you don't believe me check this out:
> If I just use the Standard NTER and CTER in charmm (less atoms then ACE
> and CT3) the number of angles and dihedrals are:
> Info: writing psf file test.psf
> total of 172 atoms
> total of 174 bonds
> total of 314 angles
> total of 461 dihedrals
> total of 21 impropers
> Now if I patch with CT3 and ACE:
> Info: writing psf file test.psf
> total of 181 atoms
> total of 183 bonds
> total of 307 angles
> total of 453 dihedrals
> total of 24 impropers
> So there are more Atoms but less angles and dihedrals? Sounds crazy to
> me.
> Also here are the positions of the hydrogens on the carbon of the
> amide-methyl BEFORE minimization:
> ATOM 170 HT1 SER 11 19.167 -0.569 0.788 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 171 HT2 SER 11 19.311 -2.153 1.177 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 172 HT3 SER 11 20.181 -1.533 -0.064 1.00 0.00
> Here are the same hydrogens AFTER 2000 steps of minimization:
> ATOM 170 HT1 SER 11 20.509 -1.046 0.825 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 171 HT2 SER 11 20.560 -1.180 0.961 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 172 HT3 SER 11 20.432 -1.047 0.906 1.00 0.00
> Notice anything strange!? The atoms are practically on top of each
> other!?
> Here is the TCL script I use to create the .pdb and .psf:
> package require psfgen
> topology top_all27_prot_lipid.inp
> segment X {
> first none
> last none
> pdb X_start.pdb}
> patch ACE X:1
> patch CT3 X:11
> coordpdb X_start.pdb X
> guesscoord
> writepdb test.pdb
> writepsf test.psf
> Any suggestions would be much appreciated,
> Ed
> PS - I've tried using 'auto' to no avail.
> >
> >
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