Re: question on Berendsen's temperature coupling method

From: Jim Phillips (
Date: Thu Jan 22 2004 - 17:19:22 CST


The coupling constants have units of 1/ps, so you would put 2.5 in the B
column of the PDB file. Here's a snip of the relevant source code:

void Sequencer::tcoupleVelocities(BigReal dt_fs, int step)
  if ( simParams->tCoupleOn )
    FullAtom *a = patch->atom.begin();
    int numAtoms = patch->numAtoms;
    BigReal coefficient = broadcast->tcoupleCoefficient.get(step);
    Molecule *molecule = Node::Object()->molecule;
    BigReal dt = dt_fs * 0.001; // convert to ps
    coefficient *= dt;
    for ( int i = 0; i < numAtoms; ++i )
      int aid = a[i].id;
      BigReal f1 = exp( coefficient * molecule->langevin_param(aid) );
      a[i].velocity *= f1;

This is a pretty old method. I'd suggest using Langevin personally.


On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Hyonseok Hwang wrote:

> Dear All,
> I would like to use the 'Berendsen's temperature coupling method' in
> NAMD. In that method, a coupling constant of 0.4ps is generally
> recommended. Then my question is what value I should put in the B
> column, which is now designated as the 'tCouplecol'. Do I should put 0.4?
> Thank you very much.
> -Hyonseok Hwang

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