Re: limit on the number of residues in each segment

From: Brian Bennion (
Date: Fri Jan 09 2004 - 16:53:20 CST


Its a limit on the number of atoms in the segment, and psfgen takes care
of this nicely.


On Fri, 9 Jan 2004 wrote:

> Is there any limit on the number of residues in each segment, when using
> "psfgen" to generate a psf file? Thanks.

**Brian Bennion, Ph.D.                                         **
**Computational and Systems Biology Division                   **
**Biology and Biotechnology Research Program                   **
**Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory                       **
**P.O. Box 808, L-448                     **
**7000 East Avenue       phone: (925) 422-5722                 **
**Livermore, CA  94550   fax:   (925) 424-6605                 **

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