Registration at RSO

Rob Miller (
Tue, 12 May 1998 17:59:30 -0500

Greetings fellow officers:

I went to Room 280 Illini Union today to register as the veep of the
DI. When I got there, the bureaucrat at the desk told me that every
time an officer of the club changes, we have to fill out a new
registration form for the club. Apparently there is no other way to
update the form with a change of officers.

This seems rather inconvenient to me but I guess it has to be done. I
got a copy of the form and we need to put the name and address or all
officers on the form. The form must be typed and must be signed by each

Unfortunately, this does not relieve us of filling out this form AGAIN
later this year by the Sept. 15 deadline (or whenever it was). I can't
believe that we've been filling this form out once in May and then again
in September. Have we been doing this?

Rob Miller

"There's no horse so dead you can't beat it a little more"