Competition Corner--Day trip to Notre Dame 4/20/02 Please come!

From: Tanja Hodges (incognita1@HOTMAIL.COM)
Date: Fri Apr 12 2002 - 10:59:06 CDT

  • Next message: Lynn Milewski: "REGENT PRACTICE TONIGHT"

    Greetings Dancers,

                   We've got one more club sponsored competition this semester and YOU are invited.  Notre Dame is hosting their first DanceSport competition in 3 years.  This competition is very user friendly  with separate beginner and advanced categories.  It is loads of fun with cool dance activities like a Jack and Jill dance, and a team match, and a full compliment of night club dances---something we Dancing Illini have a real fondness for.  It isn't too late to sign up for this.  Basically, just let me know you'd like to come and I'll hook you up with all the details.  All amateur dancers are welcome to come and participate in this competition.  (And if competition isn't your thing---yet---come anyhow and cheer your friends on.)  If you'd like to join us,  this is going to be a basically FREE event for our&! nbsp; members and registered participants, so please e-mail me ASAP at and I'll let you know what to do from there. 

    There is a link to the notre dame competition website from our website's competition page.  Our website is

    Have a grand afternoon,

    Tanja---competition chair extraordinaire, and really nifty person

    p.s. If you are joining us for the Dinner Dance tonight, I'll have paperwork available to sign up for notre dame there.  See ya later, trh


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