Important General Meeting- 12/8

From: Lynn Milewski (lmilewsk@UIUC.EDU)
Date: Tue Dec 04 2001 - 18:50:08 CST

Dear Valued Members of the Dancing Illini,

This Saturday, December 8, at 10:30 p.m. in 314 Illini Union (between the
ballroom and salsa portions of our holiday dance) there will be a very
important general meeting which we would like you to attend if possible.
The officers listed below have called for the recall of Alex (Aleksandar
Ivanovic) from the office of president, which requires the support of a
two-thirds majority of voting members present at a general meeting.

This request was officially made at the officer meeting this past Sunday.
Both this and the upcoming general meeting were scheduled at a time and
place of Alex's choosing by email to the dancing-official-l list on Nov.
24. In order to avoid conflicts of interest and to allow Alex to defend
himself, the officers have decided that the general meeting may not be
cancelled and that vice president Lynn Milewski will preside. Lacking
precedent in the known history of the club, the officers are working to
conduct this procedure in adherence to the spirit and letter of the
constitution but also in a fair and timely manner so as to avoid further
disruption to the productive operation of the club.

We feel that the recall of Alex from office is necessary due to particular
actions he has taken as president which indicate a lack of respect for and
an inability or unwillingness to work with the other elected officers.
With escalating frequency, Alex has used the powers his office to subvert
the express will of the membership, going so far as to actively pursue the
encumbrance of the club in order to remove officers not to his liking.
This activity may have resulted in irreparable damage to the scheduling of
upcoming courses and events. Based on this and other actions we feel that
Alex now places his own power above the interests of the club and should
therefore be removed from office with all possible haste.

This action is not a hostile reaction against any opinion of Alex's, nor
the elimination of an alternate viewpoint. Anyone wishing to assist the
club with their efforts or opinions is encouraged to send email or attend
the next officers meeting. Thank you for your consideration.


Lynn Milewski, Vice President
Jeremy Williams, Treasurer
Jeffrey Tran, Secretary
James Phillips, Education Chair
Janice Mouschovias, Teaching Chair
Ron Carbonari, Public Relations Chair
Tanja Hodges, Competition Chair
Mike Lockwood, Workshop Chair
Officers of the Dancing Illini

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