Prerequisites for DI Intermediate Hustle and West Coast Swing

From: Jim Phillips (jim@KS.UIUC.EDU)
Date: Mon Jun 11 2001 - 11:50:50 CDT

Dear Dancing Illini,

In order to spend the 6 class meetings teaching interesting material,
it is important that each participant in the DI Intermediate Hustle and
West Coast Swing class feel comfortable dancing these basic steps:

   West Coast Swing Hustle
      sugar push facing basic
      left side pass turning coaster
      right side pass under arm turn
      under arm turn any form of wrap
      tuck turn any form of 3-count turn
      any form of whip

If you want a refresher on these steps, please attend the review session
on Wednesday, June 13, 314 Illini Union at 8:30pm


Go out and dance a little between now and the first class.
Nothing like a little floor time to knock some of the rust off.


    Bruce & Leigh, Instructors

P.S. There is practice 8-9pm on Tue 6/19 and Thu 6/21 in the Krannert
Opera Rehearsal room if you want to get in a little extra work. -Jim

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