SOC: a friendly gathering

From: drarmstr (site@XNET.COM)
Date: Sat Jan 15 2000 - 12:31:38 CST

hello! welcome back to school! i'm sure you're all eagerly ready to
start classes.. but before you do, here is your last chance to hang out
with friends and do that whole thing before returning to the system..

i know you must be giddy like a little schoolgirl.

drink or not, it's all cool, but i'll be breaking open some of my

so come on over this last monday before the semester kicks in. i know
you'll do the right thing. i believe in you.

as usual:

what: a small gathering
who: you and your closest friends (feel free to bring friends)
where: 106 S. Gregory apt #24 (at Ewok Village, it's the complex on the
        other side of the boneyard from hendrick house. )
when: umm, 9 or whenever
rsvp: if you want, that'd be cool.

 | |
 | [ here! ] 106 #24 |
 | |
 | [] random house |
 | |
 | [ Hendrick House ] |
 | Green St. |
S. Gregory Lincoln

douglas armstrong
ich bin ein berliner

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