SOC: Stinky guys?

From: Scott David Weitzenhoffer (
Date: Tue Aug 10 1999 - 14:17:04 CDT

Hey everybody!

A few of me DI acquaintances have been complaining to me about stinky guys
in the club. Most of these people are not sure how to broach the topic
with the offending parties.

Here are a couple of suggestions:

If somebody offers you gum of a mint, TAKE IT!!! Don't assume they are
implying anything, but take the gum or mint anyway.

Before coming to class, practice, or the Regent, shower, using deodorant
soap. Apply deodorant to potentially stinky places. Masking existing BO
with cologne or perfume doesn't work; you're not fooling anybody!

Finally, if you have continuing problems with a stinky guy who has refused
your polite efforts to give him mints or gum, or who is seemingly
unacquainted with soap and/or deodorant, email me with his name, email
address, and nature of the problem (ie, breath, armpits, flatulence,

I will send the offending party an email explaining the situation, and ask
him to remedy it.

If the problem continues further, let me make a suggestion:

In the case of dedicated stinkos, who refuse all efforts at teaching them
better hygiene habits, we could have a public humiliation ceremony in
class, in which we present a different stinky guy each week with a bar of
deodorant soap, and instructions for its use.

I suggest this be done during the beginner class, to maximize potential
embarrassment. Remember, this is a last resort measure, after more polite
methods have failed, and we realize that we are losing other beginners
because of somebody's offensive stench.

So, if you know somebody who smells funny, let me know. :-)

 .oooO .oooO  Scott David Weitzenhoffer
 (   ) (   )  permanent email:
  \ (   \ (   www:    
   \_)   \_)

"To be is to do" --Socrates "To do is to be" --Plato "DooBeeDooBeeDoo" --Sinatra

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