Swing this week :) (:

Valentin Prisecaru (prisecar@STUDENTS.UIUC.EDU)
Tue, 13 Apr 1999 13:46:46 -0500

Dear Swing Neophytes and Veterans,

Greetings... For those of you new to the Swing Society of the
University of Illinois, I hope you enjoy the swing scene of
Champaign-Urbana, East Central Ill. Please bookmark the web sites below
for future reference. See ya tonight!

Swing this week:
Tuesday (April 13):

Legends Swing Nite
beginner swing lessons 9pm, by Valentin and Christi
dancing 10 to 1, must be 19 or over


Dancing Illini Practice
at the Regent Ballroom, Savoy, 9:30 to 11pm


the Virtues, playing at CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ)
Cover is $5. Lesson at 8:30, the Virtues at 9:15. Limited space.
You don't want to miss this! CRU is at 6th and Green
all ages, no smoking/drinking

White Street Swing Dance
teen lessons 8pm to 9pm by Valentin, Brooke, and Chantelle
dancing 9pm to 11pm
all ages, no smoking/drinking/hanky-panky
WSAC is on White St., between 3rd and 4th


Swing Night at the Office, free
lindy tips at 9pm by Warren and Anne
dancing 9:30pm to 12:30am

P.S.: Remember, on Saturday, May 8th will be "Grand Central Swing
Station" by the Central High School Band Boosters. This will be at the
Multimodal Transportation Center (train station) in Champaign and
admission will have dancing from 9PM-1AM for $7. Featured are the 16
Mark Sheridan-Rabideau Big Band, which has former members of the Ray
Charles Orchestra, as well as people who have played with the Dorseys,
Kenton, and Benny Goodman! Also there will be the Virtues, a well-known
jump-blues/swing band in the area, as well as the Edison Middle School
Champaign Central Jazz bands. The proceeds all go to the Central High
School Band. Definitely something not to be missed! They have a web page

Have a relaxing week, and good luck on exams (if any),

President, Swing Society of the U of I

"Life appears random on the surface, but at a deeper level it is
completely organized."

for more info, see: