final canoe trip info

sheila anne lebedenko (skurausk@STUDENTS.UIUC.EDU)
Wed, 29 Jul 1998 12:21:16 -0500

We will go canoeing this Sunday. (Some people couldn't make it the
following weekend.) We will meet at 8am in the parking lot of
Bevier Hall (next to the corn plots). bevier is on the corner of
goodwin and gregory. We will leave by 8:30am.

Bring the following items:
1. sunscreen
2. hat
3. sunglasses
4. swim suit
5. lunch and snacks in a water proof/resistant bag. water from the
paddles will drip in the boat and make anything on the bottom of the
canoe wet. you probably don't want a wet sandwich. Bring fruit or
trail mix or some energy item. also bring water or gatorade to drink.

It's not too late to tell me you want to come. Also if you can
drive let me know so I can figure out if we have car space for everyone.

we should be done with the trip around 4pm.
See you all sunday morning!