Join the DI DanceSport Team,

Bruce Leasure (bruce@KAI.COM)
Thu, 11 Jun 1998 12:14:54 -0500

Thought I'd give you a little more about what Hilary and I are
going to do in the DanceSport Team Supplementary Coaching Sessions.

Since many of you were not able to attend Kathryn's lessons in
May, the two coaching sessions until she comes again will contain
a little bit of structured teaching of material, as well as the
the coaching described below from a normal coaching session:

* the waltz pattern that Kathryn taught will be presented.
This pattern is very basic, and can be learned by beginners.
My understanding is that Kathryn will use this pattern
as the basis to teach both beginning and advanced technique.

* basic movement drill targeted at how you take a forward
heel step (and the corresponding backwards motion) in
waltz, foxtrot, quickstep, and v waltz

* a basic movement and shape drill covering 20 stages

* a basic movement drill targeted at getting you to feel
why waltz, foxtrot, quickstep, and v waltz are called
"swing" dances.

At a normal coaching session, you (and a partner of your choice)
will come with questions or complaints about the dances that you are
working on with Kathryn. One (or both of us) will watch you dance,
then assist you in addressing the issues.

Sometimes we will work on other issues as well (ones that we
noticed while you were dancing.

The questions/complaints could be something general such as

"how does this look?"
"what can we do to make this look better?".

or as specific as

"this part isn't working at all"
"I keep getting run-over by my partner here"
"This lead just isn't working"

Sometimes we will deal with the question/complaint individually,
sometimes with the couple, and sometimes with everyone that comes.

--- bruce leasure


Thanks Sheila, for your suggestions about the DanceSport classes.
Looks like we agree on a lot of things. I wrote this note and sent
it to the wrong address (got the official list instead of the discuss
list) yesterday (Wednesday).

We only have an hour, so we can't pack everything in, but there
is always room for improvement.

> DanceSport Team Supplementary Coaching Sessions
> Get personal attention while you rehearse and review the
> dances learned in the monthly lessons.
> Beginning Monday nights on June 15th and ending on August 3rd.
> Place: Krannert Center Opera Rehearsal Room (2nd Floor),
> 500 S. Goodwin, Urbana
> Times: 8:00 to 9:00
> Coaches: Hilary Frooman and Bruce Leasure
> Prerequisites: DanceSport Team membership, and a partner's
> presence is required for participation in these sessions. There is
> no extra fee to participate in these coaching sessions.