Mary Sue Shay (msshay@PRAIRIENET.ORG)
Fri, 15 May 1998 17:45:13 -0500

ONCE AGAIN Im thinning my flowers..I hate to toss out nice big
starts.. if Any of you dancing students and friends j have or or putting
in gardens..Ill even give you their names and how much sun etc...
Yellow buttons .. oregano, Stacheys Lanata ..rabbit ears.. ,Lemon balm..
Herb.. a type of sedum .. Very Tall golden glow daiseys goldf...
white daiseys.. and hostas... Phone me if you will put them in
this weekend.. some are already dug up today....ll
Im at 356-7413..I might be able to put themm in the car trunk if
your going to Beccas Party..and cant pick them up Sat or Sunday ..

Mary Sue Shay