Re: Re; Tuxes and Ballgowns...(SOC)

Matthew P. Johnson (mpjohnso@ALUMNI.CALTECH.EDU)
Thu, 23 Apr 1998 11:20:17 -0700

Then again, tuxes and tails and all will obviously continue to be, at a
minimum, acceptable for a LONG time to come. I think it was Bruce who
told me that the person who wins is the person who annoys the judge
least. As this obviously annoys some portion of the community . . . .

Well, it's a judgment call. It would definately be nice not to have to
spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on specific dancing clothes - but
_I_ don't have to worry about competing at that level for years to come
- no one's noticed that I've been dancing in turtlenecks for years! ;-)

Thanks for the update!

What shades of SB!


"Always do right. This will gratify some people, and astonish the rest." MT