Re: The practice tonight was NOT for beginners

Jeremy B. Williams ((no email))
Fri, 17 Oct 1997 00:11:55 -0500

On Thu, 16 Oct 1997, Cory Tsang wrote:

> Now that we also have a Monday night practice at the Regent
> (9:30-11:00pm) geared toward Intermediate/Advanced dancers
> (though beginners are welcome there), it is time we think about
> tailoring our practice music to the people who show up to each.

A second division which we have between the two practices is that
between competitive and social dancers, which is why on Monday
nights more people are seen working in front of the mirrors and
practicing only with their favorite partner, while there is much
more mingling on Wednesday night.
Except for hustle (which Jay has valiantly defended), I'm worried
that the nightclub dances may get the short end of the stick.
Except for hustle and salsa, they aren't taught in the beginner
classes, and Monday night is only Latin and Standard. (Hmmm. . .
I may have missed one last night because I arrived late, but
I don't remember hearing a NC2S at practice for the last few
(Matthew/Cory: If you're the ones putting together the new practice
music, I volunteer to help; I'll talk to you more about it after
class tomorrow.)

"In the rain, the pavement shines like silver. . ."