Re: ANN: Competition Committee

beaverson sheena k (sbeavers@UX1.CSO.UIUC.EDU)
Wed, 16 Jul 1997 09:11:46 -0500

There is a proposal on the table. The club needs to decide to

A) accept the proposal completely
B) reject the proposal completely
C) adopt a plan that supports the strong points of the 'old way'
and embraces some new, positive elements.

In my opinion, we should:

* keep the same slate of dances we had last year
(which coincides with the dances we teach)
* stick with the A/B system, and keep the same levels we had last year
(allows for differentiation among newcomers and beginners, adv.
and super-adv.)
* take a second look at the Saturday schedule and try to fit in a Rookie/
Vet category - for at least a sampling of dances
(this allows persons in the same club to have fun with each other,
encourages beginners to confidently jump in to competing
with a 'ringer' without forcing them to the adv. level, and allows
more adv. competitors to encourage/partner the new people while
still having a chance to more seriously compete with a regular partner)

(Again, this is my opinion) we should not:

* should not include any dances that we do not fully support in our
curriculum just because it's popular somewhere else. Bottom line is,
there are too many dances, we could not complete a competition in one
day if we included everything that is a fun aspect of someone else's comp.

* should not change the competition format for anything that divides/
separates dancers. Rather, we should choose events that embrace/
include as many people as possible. Do not separate into Am. and
Int. styling. Rather, we should add a Rookie/ Vet category rather than a
Team Match. (or, make the proposed team match a Rookie/ Vet event)

If you have attended the DI Competition, or another schools' competition
in that past, please step forward and make an informed statement. What
was great about the way the day went, and how the event was run? What
really made you feel welcome and included (especially if you are/ were a
newer dancer)? What was the most frustrating thing about the whole day?
How do your experiences relate to the proposal on the table?

If you do not wish to post here, and can not make the meeting, please
take the time to submit your ideas in writing to a club officer before
thursday evening. The more voices the better.

sheena k. beaverson