video question

Tania Banak (tbanak@MAIL.WIN.ORG)
Tue, 10 Dec 1996 10:29:40 -0600

Hey All!

During the comp in Oct., I donated a couple of old D.I. competition
videos to the club officers, with the idea that maybe current club members
would gain inspiration from watching the current club "stars" back when
they were beginners themselves. A month later, I was informed by the
officers that those tapes would not be placed in the club's video library
because noone was interested.

At first, I accepted that statement. But I've been thinking about it...
maybe some of you WOULD have been interested? If so, you may want to
let the club officers know.

Then again, maybe old stuff is boring and the officers are right.
That's cool. Just don't want anyone to miss out if they ARE interested.

In either case, happy holidays to all! Keep on dancing!

Tania B.