SOC: Afterhours! This Friday!

Amy Berger (aberger@BERM.GEOLOGY.UIUC.EDU)
Mon, 12 Aug 1996 13:22:05 -0500

. _ . _____________
|\_|/__/| / \
/ / \/ \ \ / Happy! Happy! \
/__|O||O|__ \ \ Joy! Joy! /
|/_ \_/\_/ _\ | \ ___________/ I made it back from
| | (____) | || |/ the wilds of New Mexico!
\/\___/\__/ // _/
(_/ || Please join me and my cat
| ||\ for an afterhours this Friday,
\ //_/ August 16, starting around 11:30 or
\______// whenever the Regent dance finishes.
__|| __||
(____(____) I've dusted off the ICE CREAM MAKER so
bring your appetites and cranking arms.
Some drinks provided but if you have a decided preference (i.e.
alcoholic) you'll have to bring it with you to Amy's humble abode:

502 West Griggs Street, Apartment #204, Urbana

Directions: (coming north on Lincoln) turn right on Main Street, and
go 2-3 blocks to the stop sign. Take the first left AFTER
the stop sign, which is Orchard Street. Turn right on Griggs
(if you miss Griggs you'll end up in the Carle Hospital parking
lot). My building is the last apartment building on the left
(brown brick, carport underneath). Park anywhere on the street;
the open lots just past the building are reserved for residents
so park there at your own risk.

Hope to see you at the

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Amy Berger
Research Assistant
Department of Geology
1301 W. Green St. (217) 244-8767 phone
Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 244-4996 fax

"I am a Bear of Verry Little Brain and long words Bother Me."
-- A.A. Milne