Top ten reasons why you should attend the DI practice!

Mark Balzer (m-balzer@STUDENTS.UIUC.EDU)
Tue, 6 Aug 1996 02:36:05 -0500

Direct from the home office at the Regent Ballroom, Savoy:

Top ten reasons why you should attend the DI practice
Wednesday at 9pm at the Regent Ballroom:

10. See who's dancing with whom; gossip; start rumors.
9. Free dance help available from experienced club members.
8. Green coupons for FREE tutor sessions save you $10.
7. Pink professional lesson rebate coupons save you up to $40.
6. $1 off coupons to the Salsa dances at the Regent.
5. 100% floor exercises - No vaults, no parallel bars, no rings.
4. Become the Workshop Chairperson and take DI classes for free!
3. August calendars are here!
2. 60 videos to choose from!

and the number one reason why you should attend the DI practice:

1. Free pizza and soda during the General meeting!!


Hi Everybody!

We will have our Dancing Illini August general meeting at 10:00 pm,
Wednesday, August 7, at the Regent. After 1 hour of regular dance
practice, we'll turn the music off and the meeting will convene.

The agenda is as follows:

1. Officer reports.

2. Vote on update to our Constitution (see below).

3. Vote to approve purchase of additional wireless mic.

4. Open nominations for Workshop Chairperson.

Pizza and soda will be provided.

See you there!



proposed constitution revisions:


Currently reads, in part:

The Treasurer, in consultation with the other officers, shall propose
a budget at the first fall club meeting....

Change to:

The Treasurer, in consultation with the other officers, shall propose
a semesterly budget at the first general club meeting of each semester....
^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


I. Workshop Chair.

The Workshop Chair shall be responsible for organizing and
obtaining space for all aspects of Dancing Illini workshops
occurring both during his or her term and for the following
term, as appropriate, including food and lodging, scheduling
and reserving of facilities, arranging for instructors and
their payment, etc.

The Workshop Chair shall also be responsible for all
arrangements necessary for members to attend non-UIUC

The Workshop Chair shall actively promote new member
recruitment and involvement in club events and activities.


The video librarian will be available from 9:00 to 9:15 to accept video
returns and conduct loans for the upcoming week. Dancing Illini T-Shirts
can be ordered at this time.

Videos can be checked out during the first 15 minutes of every practice,
and are due back at the following week's first 15 minutes of practice.
You will be asked for a $2 donation (to help the club purchase additional
videos) and for a $20 cash deposit (which will be returned to you when
you return the video).

Here's the complete list of the videos! Check 'em out! :-)

Nightclub dance videos:
* Salsa: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Variations,
Cordoba workshop
* Hustle: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
* West Coast Swing: Basic, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced,
Cordoba workshop, Jones workshop
* WCS Syncopations: Intermediate for Men and Women, Advanced for Women
* Nightclub 2-step: Beginner/Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced

Latin dance videos:
* Int'l Style Cha cha: Beginner, Intermediate
* Int'l Style Samba: Beginner, Intermediate
* Int'l Style Rumba: Beginner, Intermediate
* Int'l Style Jive: Beginner
* East Coast Swing: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Cordoba workshop,
Jones workshop

Ballroom dance videos:
* Am. Style Waltz 1: Beg. Country/Western (American style Silver) Waltz
* Int'l Style Waltz: Beginner, Intermediate, Technique
* Int'l Style Foxtrot: Beginner, Intermediate, Technique
* Int'l Style Tango: Beginner, Intermediate, Technique
* Int'l Style Quickstep: Beginner, Intermediate, Technique
* Int'l Style Viennese Waltz: Technique

Dance technique videos:
* Int'l Style Latin Technique 1 - Latin body, hip, leg and foot action.
* Int'l Style Latin Technique 2 - Latin body, hip, leg and foot action.
* Latin Seminar: Latin rhythm identification in Samba, Mambo, Cha cha,
Rumba; American and International style hip and leg actions; technique
details of Int'l style Rumba.
* Spins and Turns - the details of how to spin and turn like a pro.
* Spins and Turns and Latin Body Action - Cordoba workshop
* Body Isolations - the details of expressing rhythm with your body.
* Styling and Technique - details of foot positions, frame, movement.
* Why He Can't Lead & She Won't Follow - improve your lead & follow.
* Lines - the do's & don't of body lines, shaping, poses & body positions.

Other videos:
* 1995 Dancing Illini Competition (3-tape set)
* Professional finals of the 1995 Ohio Star Ball competition.
* USABDA Workshop Sampler tape: A collection of International and
American style ballroom & latin dance workshops.
* USABDA Competition tape: A collection of International and American
style ballroom & latin dance competitions from the 1994 International
Collegiate Dance Festival in Clearwater, Florida.

Notify Mark (, 337-5679) in advance if you'd like to
reserve a videotape.

See you at practice!
