la rueda

jones jennifer leigh (jljones3@STUDENTS.UIUC.EDU)
Wed, 17 Jul 1996 22:44:14 -0500

This is a suggestion for the Dancing Illini. In Miami, where I'm from
> and where I fell in love with salsa and merengue, there are a number of
> groups who dance the "rueda". I've actually never seen the word spelled,
> so I could be mis-spelling, but I believe it means "wheel", and it's
> salsa performed in a large coordinated group.
> All the women continuously
> switch partners around the wheel and usually one man is responsible for
> making loud calls to signal a change in step, direction, whatever.
> When
> it's done right, it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I sure
> would like to get a rueda going here in Cham-bana. Are you all doing
> that already? Maybe it could be taught???
> Jennifer Jones (