Final Plans for Tango Weekend at Phillips Center

From: TangoLeon@AOL.COM
Date: Wed Apr 25 2001 - 12:40:57 CDT

  • Next message: TangoLeon@AOL.COM: "Women's Tango Workshop is on!! (Info for Men, too)"

    Here are some items to clarify regarding the upcoming tango weekend at the
    Phillips Center:

    (1) Private lessons:

    Must be reserved by Noon Thurs Apr 26. There are still a few slots open Sun
    Apr 29 from 8-11 PM. Privates are $50/hr; semi-privates (2 couples) are

    (2) Women's technique workshop (cost: $15, includes admission to the milonga)

    We need 2 or 3 more women to hold this workshop (Sat Apr 28: 5:45 - 7:15 PM).
    Please reserve your space by 5 PM Thurs Apr 26.

    (3) At the milonga (9-12 PM):

    Federico and Erica will be giving a demo on milonga during the milonga
    workshop (7:30-9 PM: $10, includes admission to the milonga), and another
    demo on tango during the milonga (around 10:30-11 PM).

    (4) Which workshops to take:

    Several people have asked me which workshops would be best to take. It is NOT
    as simple as beginners take #1, intermediate take $2, advanced take #3. There
    are several things one can learn from workshops, depending on your level.
    Beginners will tend to learn steps that they can use to get out on the floor
    and dance comfortably. Intermediate level dancers will primarily improve the
    technique of steps they already know (and will probably get some to work that
    didn't before) and probably learn some new steps. Advanced dancers will study
    the instructors' teaching technique to incorporate into their own teaching.

    If you're a complete novice (no prior exposure to tango), Tango Level 1 will
    probably be enough. However, if you have prior dance experience other than
    tango, you could probably handle Tango Level 1 and Tango Level 2. Some
    experienced dancers (e.g., most Dancing Illini) could probably handle Tango
    Levels 1, 2, & 3.

    If you've a beginner at tango, Tango Level 1 would be a a good review, and
    Tango Level 2 will probably be comfortable. You shouldn't have any problem
    with the Saturday milonga workshop. Take Level 3 to be challenged. Women, if
    you know the basics of tango, do try the Women's Technique workshop.

    If you're at the intermediate or advanced level, you will probably
    concentrate on technique. It's an interesting fact that as many dancers
    advance, they actually concentrate more on improving the technique of simpler
    steps. For all we know, Juan Carlos Copes may still be working on his salida.
    So any level workshop can be beneficial.

    There's an odd thing about dance instruction. You can take a class or
    workshop that teaches step X, which you either can't do at first exposure or
    you forget 2 days after the class. However, at your next exposure it seems so
    easy to learn. So challenge yourself to exposure yourself to what lies ahead
    in your learning curve. Even if you can't execute a step the first time, it
    will be easier next time. Believe me - I've been there.

    By the way, the workshops will also work on embellishments and linking steps
    together. All this within a framework that emphasizes how to get these
    patterns to work best (with good posture, balance, and communication). And
    certainly without losing sight of what is most important: TANGO is a very
    enjoyable dance - the more you dance tango the more you realize how special
    it really is.

    See you this weekend.


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