Remember "Bamboleo", dancers?

From: charles joseph smith (
Date: Thu Nov 30 2000 - 10:50:14 CST

Remember when the Gipsy Kings made the Latin music scene with the song
"Bamboleo" around 1992? I saw the music video of the song (through a
Spanish-speaking MTV program called "MTV Internacional") and
I adored it and the band ever since. I still love the song today.

As a Latin music lover, let me tell you that "Bamboleo" falls into the
category of samba/flamenco, since it has the rhythms of both dances mixed

At 60 mpm, it might be too fast for samba dancing (though the music's
synocpations will beckon you to dance the samba), but
it is very good for
paso doble dancing because of the use of the clapping, castanets and
Spanish guitars, as well as flamenco-style breaks in the music. Also, the
strong bass beat makes it good for hustle
(the tempo is good enough; 30 mpm, or 120 bpm) despite the 'flamenco
sound' put in.

Charles Smith
"The Little Lily of Salsa"

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