Tango weekend at White Street Arts Center

From: joe grohens (joe@WOLFRAM.COM)
Date: Wed Oct 04 2000 - 02:26:48 CDT

Dear Dancers,

Tango Workshops this weekend Oct 7-8 at White Street Arts Center. Open to
all levels.
Instructors: Maria Castello and Jacques St. Cyr.

For schedule information and teachers biographies,
see: http://www.prairienet.org/white-street/maria-Oct00-workshop.html


I particularly want to invite you all to the Saturday evening performance
and dance party. If you are curious about Argentine Tango and want to know
more, this will be an excellent introduction.

On Saturday night, the White Street studio will be set up cabaret style for
an evening of tango theater and social dancing. A light buffet of snacks
and soft drinks will be served. Join us and bring your friends for this
educational and entertaining social night with Maria and Jacques.

Maria and Jacques will give a performance showing some of the evolution of
Argentine Tango and its different dance styles. A professional
choreographer trained in Buenos Aires, Maria has created a performance that
mixes music, dance and theater in a potpourri of Argentine tango's history.
>From the Tango Duel on the streets of Buenos Aires where men gather to
create new dance figures, through Milonga from which tango evolved to its
form in the brothels, to the complexity of Piazzolla's music, the tango
continues to change and perpetuate the history of its country. It is the
history of a popular dance that has been transformed and has expanded all
over the world.

A question and answer session will follow the performance. Then, the
audience is invited to join Jacques and Maria in a fun-filled evening of
social dance, hors d'oeuvres and refreshments. Jacques and Maria will give
a brief introductory Tango lesson followed by dancing to Tango, Swing,
Salsa, Chacarera, and other music.

7 - 9 pm Concert, question session and introductory Tango lesson
9 - 12 pm Social dance party

Admission: $7.00 for the evening.

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