the birth of Sheila's daughter

From: Sheila Lebedenko (sheilinka@YAHOO.COM)
Date: Sun Jul 23 2000 - 15:57:51 CDT


Charlotta Giselle Lebedenko
(check out her website- we are still updating it)
was born at 11:42 pm on 7-17-00 in San Jose, CA. She
is in great health.

She was 18.5 inches long (shortie) and 6 pounds
11 ounces (petite--hince her name) Charlotta
means petite and womanly. It's the feminine form
of Charles. But we picked it because we like the

I was 9 days late and started having contractions
the night before, but these went away by the morning.
So I asked for an induction, and luckily there was
room for me in the hospital that morning. I labored
all day and evening with the great help of Dima and
his sister in law. Toward the end I asked for an
epidural, but it was too late. She was coming. So
I had to have natural child birth, which is what I
wanted in the first place.

We spent 2 days in the hospital and are now at home
slowly but surely learning to be parents. She sleeps
for 4-5 hour stretches at night, so luckily we don't
feel exhausted. She gets a bit of colic sometimes,
but we are finding many ways to pacify her. Breast
feeding is an art with all kinds of tricks, but we
are improving.

She is starting to look like Dima.
She's very beautiful and we can't express how happy
we are to have her.

Sheila and Dima

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