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VMD is part of a suite of tools developed by the Theoretical Biophysics
group at the University of Illinois.
- BioCoRE
BioCoRE, Biological Collaborative Research Environment, is designed to
facilitate collaborative work between biomedical researchers across
distance. BioCoRE is being developed to support four basic functionalities:
Workbench, Notebook, Conferences, and Documents. A built-in evaluation
component guarantees an ongoing assessment of BioCoRE development and
effectiveness of the new environment. The initial version of BioCoRE was
released to the public on March 1, 2000. The BioCoRE environment is
available free of charge on the Resource's computers. Users can visit the
Resource's website and work with BioCoRE without needing to download or
install any software.
A parallel, object-oriented molecular
dynamics code designed for high-performance simulation of large
biomolecular systems.
NAMD uses the CHARMM force field and file formats compatible
with both CHARMM and X-PLOR.
NAMD supports both periodic and non-periodic boundaries with
efficient full electrostatics, multiple timestepping, constant
pressure and temperature ensemble simulation methods.
NAMD provides several methods of steering a simulation through
the application of additional forces, including the ability to
connect directly to VMD for interactive steering of a live simulation.
NAMD is distributed free of charge and includes source code.
A general molecular visualization program
capable of interactive display and concurrent control of a molecular
dynamics simulation running on a remote computer. VMD uses an
object-oriented design, and is written in C++. This document
describes VMD.
For more on any of the individual software efforts,
BioCoRE, NAMD, or VMD, see the Theoretical
Biophysics Group WWW home
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Previous: Introduction