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Atom information

Atom selection is the primary method to access information about the atoms in a molecule. It works in two steps. The first step is to create a selection given the selection text, molecule id, and optional frame number. This is done by a function called atomselect, which returns the name of the new atom selection. the second step is to use the created selection to access the information about the atoms in the selections.

Atom selection is implemented as a Tcl function. The data returned from atomselect is the name of the function to use. The name is of the form atomselect%d where '%d' is a non-negative number (such as 'atomselect0', atomselect26', ...).

To clear up a few points (even though this is covered elsewhere), the "molecule identifier" is a non-negative integer which uniquely identifies one of the loaded molecules. Each molecule gets a new number when it is loaded, and the numbers are generated in numeric order. Thus, the first molecule loaded has a molecule id of 0, the second of 1, and so on. To see the molecule id, open the "Molecule" window and look for the number to the right of the colon ( ":" ). This has been padded with zeros to make it a 3 digit number, so molecule id 0 is expressed as 000. The id can also be the word "top", which indicates the top molecule.

The "selection text" is the same as the selection language used in the Graphics form and described in Chapter §. It is used to pick a given subset of the atom. The text cannot be changed once a selection is made. Some of the terms in the selection depend on data that change during a trajectory (so far only the keywords 'x', 'y', and 'z' can change over time). For these, the optional 'frame value' is used to determine which specific frame to use. The frame number can be a non-negative integer, the word "now" (the current frame), the word "first" (for frame 0) and "last" (for the last frame).

In terms of usage, the form of the atom selection command is:

Some examples are:
vmd> atomselect top "name CA"
vmd> atomselect 3 "resid 25" frame last 
vmd> atomselect top "within 5 of resname LYR" frame 23
The name returned is a function name, and you can use it like any other functions. There are several parameters to these, as shown in the following:
# Number of atoms in the selection
vmd> atomselect1 num
# The selection text used to create the selection
vmd> atomselect1 text
{resid 25}
# list of atom indicies in the selection
vmd> atomselect0 list
0 5 11 17 23 29 35 41 47 53 59 65
The "resid 25" is in braces because it is one element of a Tcl list. This is an important point to notice, for reasons to be discussed after multiple attributes are introduced.

The way to use the function created by the atomselect command is to store the name into a variable, then use the variable to get the name when needed.

vmd> set sel [atomselect top "water"]
vmd> $sel text
This is equivalent to saying
vmd> atomselect3 text

The easiest way of thinking about this is that the atomselect command creates an object. To get information from the object you have to send it a command. Thus, in the example above (atomselect1 num) the object "atomselect1" was sent the command "num", which asks the object to return the number of atoms in the selection.

These derived object functions (the ones with names like atomselect3) take many options. They are listed in Table 12.2.

Table 12.2: atomselect keywords
Option Description
num return the number of atoms in the selection
list return a list of the atom indicies in the selection (BTW, this is the same as "get index")
text return the text used to create this selection
molid returns the molecule id used to create this
type returns the string 'atomselect'
delete delete this object (removes the function)
global moves the object into the global namespacee
uplevel moves the object to another level
get given a list of attributes, return the list containing the list of attribute values (see examples)
set the complimentary functions (currently only works for a few terms)
move move the selection by a a 4x4 tranformation matrix
moveby move all the atoms by a given offset
lmoveby move each atom by an offset given in the list
moveto move all the atoms to a given location
lmoveto move each atom to a point given by the appropriate list element
writepdb write the selected atoms in a pdb file

You already saw some examples of the first few of these commands. The second half of the commands allows you to get or set atom information. The information that can be returned are the same keywords available in the selection command (eg, "resid", "x", "segname") as well as the boolean words like "water" and "backbone" (these are returned as 1 if true and 0 if false).

For instance, given the selection

vmd> set sel [atomselect top "resid 4"]
you can get the atom names for each of the atoms in the selection with
vmd> $sel get name
{N} {H} {CA} {CB} {C} {O}
(which, remember, is the same as
vmd> atomselect4 get name

Multiple attributes can be requested by submitting a list, so if you want to see which atoms are on the backbone,

vmd> $sel get {name backbone}
{N 1} {H 0} {CA 1} {CB 0} {C 1} {O 1}

and the atom coordinates with

vmd>  $sel get {x y z}
{0.710000 4.211000 1.093000} {-0.026000 3.700000 0.697000} {0.541000
4.841000 2.388000} {-0.809000 4.462000 2.976000} {1.591000 4.371000
3.381000} {2.212000 5.167000 4.085000}

It is very important to note that the information returned by one of these commands is a list of lists. Specifically, it is a list of size $n$ where each element is itself a list of size $i$, where $n$ is the number of atoms in the selection and $i$ is the number of attributes requested.

One quick function you can build with the coordinates is a method to calculate the geometrical center (not quite the center of mass; that's a bit harder). This also uses some of the vector commands discussed in the section about vectors and matrices, but you should be able to figure them out from context.

proc geom_center {selection} {
        # set the geometrical center to 0
        set gc [veczero]
        # [$selection get {x y z}] returns a list of {x y z} 
        #    values (one per atoms) so get each term one by one
        foreach coord [$selection get {x y z}] {
           # sum up the coordinates
           set gc [vecadd $gc $coord]
        # and scale by the inverse of the number of atoms
        return [vecscale [expr 1.0 /[$selection num]] $gc]

With that defined you can say (assuming $sel was created with the previous atomselection example)

vmd> geom_center $sel
0.703168 4.45868 2.43667
I'll go through the example line by line. The function is named geom_center and takes one parameter, the name of the selection. The first line sets the variable ``gc'' to the zero vector, which is 0 0 0. On the second line of code, two things occur. First, the command
   $selection get {x y z}
is executed, and the string is replaced with the result, which is
{0.710000 4.211000 1.093000} {-0.026000 3.700000 0.697000} {0.541000
4.841000 2.388000} {-0.809000 4.462000 2.976000} {1.591000 4.371000
3.381000} {2.212000 5.167000 4.085000}
This is a list of 6 terms (one for each atom in the selection), and each term is a list of three elements, the x, y, and z coordinate, in that order.

The "foreach" command splits the list into its six terms and goes down the list term by term, setting the variable "coord" to each successive term. Inside the loop, the value of $coord is added to total sum.

The last line returns the geometrical center of the atoms in the selection. Since the geometrical center is defined as the sum of the coordinate vectors divided by the number of elements, and so far I have only calculated the sum of vectors, I need the inverse of the number of elements, which is done with the expression

    expr 1.0 / [$selection num]
The decimal in "1.0" is important since otherwise Tcl does integer division. Finally, this value is used to scale the sum of the coordinate vectors (with vecscale), which returns the new value, which is itself returned as the result of the procedure.

The center of mass function is slightly harder because you have to get the mass as well as the x, y, z values, then break that up into to components. The formula for the center of mass is $\sum m_i x_i/\sum mass_i$

proc center_of_mass {selection} {
        # some error checking
        if {[$selection num] <= 0} {
                error "center_of_mass: needs a selection with atoms"
        # set the center of mass to 0
        set com [veczero]
        # set the total mass to 0
        set mass 0
        # [$selection get {x y z}] returns the coordinates {x y z} 
        # [$selection get {mass}] returns the masses
        # so the following says "for each pair of {coordinates} and masses,
	#  do the computation ..."
        foreach coord [$selection get {x y z}] m [$selection get mass] {
           # sum of the masses
           set mass [expr $mass + $m]
           # sum up the product of mass and coordinate
           set com [vecadd $com [vecscale $m $coord]]
        # and scale by the inverse of the number of atoms
        if {$mass == 0} {
                error "center_of_mass: total mass is zero"
        # The "1.0" can't be "1", since otherwise integer division is done
        return [vecscale [expr 1.0/$mass] $com]

vmd> center_of_mass $sel
Info) 0.912778 4.61792 2.78021

The opposite of "get" is "set". A few of the keywords (most notably, "x", "y", and "z") can be set to new values. This allows, for instance, atom coordinates to be changed, the occupancy values to be updated, or user forces to be added. Right now the only things that can be changed are the coordinates, the beta and occupancy values and user forces.

  set sel [atomselect top "index 5"]
  $sel get {x y z}
{1.450000 0.000000 0.000000}
  $set set {x y z} {{1.6 0 0}}

Note that just as the get option returned a list of lists, the set option needs a list of lists, which is why the extra set of curly braces were need. Again, this must be a list of size $n$ containing elements which are a list of size $i$. The exeception is if $n$ is 1, the list is duplicated enough times so there is one element for each atom.

  # get two atoms and set their coordinates
  set sel [atomselect top "index 6 7"]
  $sel set {x y z} { {5 0 0} {7.6 5.4 3.2} }

In this case, the atom with index 6 gets its (x, y, z) values set to 5 0 0 and the atom with index 7 has its coordinates changed to 7.6 5.4 3.2.

It is possible to move atoms this way by getting the coordinates, changing them (say by adding some offset) and replacing it. Following is a function which will do just that:

proc moveby {sel offset} {
  set newcoords {}
  foreach coord [$sel get {x y z}] {
    lvarpush newcoords [vecadd $coord $offset]
  $sel set $newcoords
And to use this function (in this case, to apply an offset of (x y z) $=$ (0.1 -2.8 9) to the selection "$movesel"):
moveby $movesel {0.1 -2.8 9}
However, to simplify matters some options have been added to the selection to deal with movements (these commands are also implemented in C++ and are much faster than the Tcl versions). These functions are moveby, moveto, and move. The first two take a position vector and the last takes a transformation matrix.

The first command, moveby, moves each of the atoms in the selection over by the given vector offset.

   $sel moveby {1 -1 3.4}
The second, moveto, moves all the atoms in a selection to a given coordinate (it would be strange to use this for a selection of more than one atom, but that's allowed). Example:
   $sel moveto {-1 1 4.3}
The last of those, move, applies the given transformation matrix to each of the atom coordinates. This is best used for rotating a set of atoms around a given axis, as in
   $sel move [trans x by 90]
which rotates the selection 90 degrees about the x axis. Of course, any transformation matrix may be used.

A more useful example is the following, which rotates the side chain atoms around the CA-CB bond by 10 degrees.

# get the sidechain atoms (CB and onwards)
set sidechain [atomselect top "sidechain residue 22"]
# get the CA coordinates -- could do next two on one line ...
set CA [atomselect top "name CA and residue 22"]
set CAcoord [lindex [$CA get {x y z}] 0]
# and get the CB coordinates
set CB [atomselect top "name CB and residue 22"]
set CBcoord [lindex [$CB get {x y z}] 0]
# apply a transform of 10 degrees about the given bond axis
$sidechain move [trans bond $CAcoord $CBcoord 10 deg]

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