Date: Tue Aug 03 2021 - 09:15:53 CDT
You have missing parameters for it bonds, check where it atoms are and them add appropriate parameters.
Not sure , but it is atoms are from sphingomielyn.
Enviado desde mi iPhone
> El 3 ago. 2021, a la(s) 9:07 a. m., samaneh ghanbari <> escribió:
> Dear all
> Thanks for the help Mr Shekaari. Your suggestion solved the issue. But alternatively I had this problem for other atom types that I wrote like ATOM TYPE NHL in the parameter file. However, now I am getting a new error stating, " FATAL ERROR: UNABLE TO FIND BOND PARAMETERS FOR CEL3 CTL2 (ATOMS 490 488)"
> I am unable to understand the reason behind it. Could you help me, please?
> --
> Sincerly Yours Miss.Ghanbari
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