Multi-node-gpu NAMD

From: Ropon-Palacios G. (
Date: Wed Apr 14 2021 - 13:22:03 CDT

Dear user,


I’m try run NAMD on 4 node each with 2 GPU Tesla K80


My PBS file


#PBS -N test_nand_GPU

#PBS -l nodes=n004+n005+n006:ppn=28:gpus=2





/opt/shared/NAMD_2.13-multinode-gpu/charmrun  /opt/shared/NAMD_2.13-multinode-gpu/namd2 +idlepoll +p 12 +devices 0  ++ppn 4  run_fixed/md_run.namd | tee md2.log


When set “+devices 0,1” not run, only run when set to 0 .


How can correct it?


Help me.





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