How to calculate the temperature for a subset of my simulation

From: Jhonatam Cordeiro Rodrigues (
Date: Mon Oct 19 2015 - 15:08:27 CDT

Dear NAMD users

I am running simulations that have different temperature couplings on
different subsets of the simulation. Please, how can I read the temperature
for a given selection of atoms?

I found this nice script written by Shailesh Pandey, but when I run it, I
get temperature readings that are certainly incorrect (over 1Bi K).

Is there something wrong with the script? or is there a script out there
that would do the trick?

########### TCL script to calculate temperature from velocity
trajectorySTART #########

# rigidbonds none=0; water=1; all=2

proc getTemp { frame rigidbonds } {

    set all [atomselect top all frame $frame]
    set eng {};
    set esum 0.0;
    set nDoF 0;
    set c1 [[ atomselect top "((type 'HW' or hydrogen) or water)" ] get
index ]
    set c2 [[ atomselect top "water" ] get index ]

    foreach m [$all get mass] v [$all get {x y z}] id [$all get index] {

        set e [expr {0.5 * $m * [vecdot $v $v]}]
        # lappend eng $e
        set esum [expr {$esum + $e}]
        # set all [atomselect top all frame $frame]
        set DoF 3

        if { ($rigidbonds == 2) && ($id in $c1) } {
            set DoF 2
        } elseif { ($rigidbonds == 1) && ($id in $c2) } {
            set DoF 2

        set nDoF [expr {$nDoF + $DoF}]
    $all delete
    puts "nDoF: $nDoF, esum: $esum"
    set kB 0.00198657 ;# kcal/(mol.K)
    set T [expr { $esum * 2.0 / ($nDoF * $kB) }]
    puts "Frame: $frame ## Temp: $T"

########### TCL script to calculate temperature from velocity trajectory
END #########

After the running the script for water I get results like this:
nDoF: 481968, esum: 638805356005.8174
Frame: 201 ## Temp: 1334370608.0432146

Jhonatam Cordeiro,
Ph.D. candidate
Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering
North Carolina A&T State University
1601, East Market st.
Greensboro, NC 27411
Phone: +1 336 706-9203
Fax: +1 336 334-7729
email: <http://goog_74760233>

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