From: Thomas C Bishop (
Date: Fri Aug 13 2010 - 08:44:09 CDT
To avoid all that clicking... I do the following
save everythign after "cut-here" to a file called strip-wat.vmd
this file strips water and Na Cl ions... modify to strip what you like.
If you have psf files.
vmd -dispdev none -psf some.psf -e strip-wat.vmd -args "*.dcd"
if you have parm files
vmd -dispdev none -parm7 some.parm7 -e strip-wat.vmd -args "*.dcd"
********* cut here ***********
#### TcBishop Aug 2010;
## vmd -parm some.parm -e thiscript -args list-of-dcd-files.dcd
### This VMD script strips water from a dcd file, name.dcd, and saves
### the new dcd as name.nowat.dcd
set notwat [atomselect top {not (water or name "Cl\-" "Na\+" ) } ]
foreach i $argv {
mol addfile $i type {dcd} first 0 last -1 step 1 waitfor all top
set num [molinfo top get numframes]
incr num -1
set out [string map {.dcd .nowat.dcd} $i ]
animate write dcd $out beg 0 end $num skip 1 waitfor all sel $notwat top
animate delete all
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