From: Viral D. Tejani (
Date: Thu Mar 22 2007 - 22:12:02 CDT
I am not too experienced w/ NAMD, and am practicing force extraction
using the NAMD Tutorial. From the TkConsole, I used the following
command and am getting the following results. (I copied and pasted the
exact text from the TkConsole)
>Main< (Tutorial) 4 % dir
ubq.pdb ubq.psf ubq_wb.pdb ubq_wb.psf ubq_ws.pdb
ubq_ws.psf ubq_ww_eq.pdb ubq_ww_eq.ref ubq_ww_eq2.ref ubq_ww_pcv.dcd
>Main< (Tutorial) 5 % cat ubq_ww_pcv.log | awk ’{if ($1=="SMD") print
$0}'> analysis/smd.dat
can't read "1": no such variable
>Main< (Tutorial) 6 %
I am using the same output files as provided by the NAMD website, and do
not know why this error is being generated and how to correct it. Any
assistance is appreciated.
- Viral
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