(Category) (Category) BioCoRE Collaboratory FAQ : (Category) Using the Collaboratory :
Public Projects
Projects publicly available to all users

Answers in this category:
(Answer) What is the difference between public projects and regular (private) projects?
(Answer) How do I create a public project?
(Answer) Can I make a currently private project public?
(Answer) How do I join a public project?
(Answer) How do I delete myself a public project?
(Answer) I joined a public project, but it is not showing up in my Control Panel, or items are missing from the left sidebar!
(Answer) When I make a public area for an already existing private project, how does the existing project change?
(Answer) If I have a public area in a project, and make it private, then make it public again, what happens to the data? Is the original data restored, or does it come back blank?
(Answer) If I create a public project, then delete it, and then create another public project based on the same private project, is it a new project, or does it retain data from the first deleted public project?
(Answer) How do I differentiate between the public and private areas in a project?

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