What's up this summer---at tentative list.

MadamTRH (MadamTRH@aol.com)
Tue, 5 May 1998 18:31:47 EDT

Hello all,

I wanted you to get the news before you take off for break.
Here is our summer line up assuming we get the space we want,
when we want it. We'll update the web page so keep an eye out for
the finalized version.

Have a super fantastic summer, all you folks who won't be around.

Tanja Hodges -- Teaching Chair


Look at what we've got planned for you this Summer!!!!

Beginner Class 1a - Cha Cha, Salsa, Waltz - Monday nights
Beginner Class 1b - Foxtrot, Hustle, Swing - Thursday nights
Beginner Class 1c - Rumba, Jive, Waltz - Tuesday nights
Beginner Class 1d - Night Club 2-step, Cha Cha, Foxtrot - Wednesday nights

Intermediate Class 1d - Rumba and Jive - Wednesday nights
Intermediate DanceSport - Samba and Quickstep - Tuesday nights

Summer Practices will be held on Mondays and Thursdays.

All classes will last 8 weeks and start in June during term 2. This is a
tentative schedule of summer events that may be altered. Exact times and
places for classes will be announced as soon as we are assigned rooms. Please
check our website http://www.uiuc.edu/ro/dancing as we will update the
information there first, or call Tanja at 344-6917 (after June 1st). Wednesday
night practices will continue throughout May for you die hard dancers.