DI web page changes and officer info

Mark Balzer (m-balzer@STUDENTS.UIUC.EDU)
Thu, 24 Apr 1997 13:06:43 -0600

Hi everyone,

The phone list for this semester is on the DI web page.


Please check your entry.

The approved spring budget is also on the web page, and it includes a
current listing of how well we are following it. Our largest budget ever
is looking good; overall we will take in a little more than we estimated,
and spend a little less than we budgeted.

The summer dance and workshop dates are also there. We are still waiting
for results on our space reservation request for classes and practices. DI
summer classes *will* start during the week of June 16, in air-conditioned
Krannert Center, but we don't have exact dates and times yet.

Finally, every year the club officers put together a notebook to pass on to
the new officers, and every year it is lost or forgotten, causing needless
duplication of effort for the new officers. To end this wasteful cycle
forever, we have created an "officer's administration page" on the DI web
site. This indexed repository of knowledge is chock full of helpful hints
and advice on how to do your job as an officer, chairperson, instructor or
dance team leader. It even contains, in downloadable form, all the flyers
we've handed out over the past year, for ease in creating new ones. Those
of you considering becoming club officers but worried about the time
commitment should look over the officer's administrative page. While
browsing the DI page at


just click on the "officer's administrative page" link and scan it over.
Utilizing these resources will make life a breeze for future officers.

Here is a listing of what the new "officer's administration page" contains:


Information for Officers, Chairpersons, Instructors and Dance Team Leaders

* Posting Policy for the Official List
* President Guidelines
* Secretary Guidelines
* Treasurer Guidelines
+ Class/Dues Registration Form (HTML)
+ Class/Dues Registration Form (PostScript)
+ Summer 96 SORF Application attachments
+ Fall 96 SORF Application attachments
* Education Chair Guidelines
* Social Chair Guidelines
* Public Relations Chair Guidelines
+ Quad Day and Activity Day Guidelines
+ Quad Day flyer (MS Word for Mac)
* Workshop Chair Guidelines
+ Sum - Enio Cordoba workshop flyer (MS Word for Mac)
+ Sum - Enio Cordoba Salsa workshop flyer (MS Word for Mac)
+ Fall - Beth Emerson workshop flyer (MS Word for Mac)
+ Spring - Intercollegiate Social flyer (MS Word for Mac)
+ Cashbox accounting form (MS Word for Mac)
* Competition Chair Guidelines
* Video Librarian Guidelines
* Webmaster Guidelines

* Dance Instructor Guidelines
* Stereo, Equalizer and Wireless Mic Usage Guidelines
* Beginner 1A Step List
* Beginner 1B Step List
* Intermediate 1D Step List
* West Coast Swing Step List

* Dance Team Guidelines

* Buttonmaker Guidelines
* T-shirt Guidelines
* Effectiveness of our advertising
* Welcoming new members


Flyers - just download and edit to create new flyers

Microsoft Word 5.1A files, for Macintosh.

* Beginner Class flyer (for general posting)
* Beginner Class flyer for posting in dorms
* Quad Day flyer

* Late Spring 96 4-page flyer
* Summer 96 4-page flyer
* Fall 96 4-page flyer
* Late Fall 96 4-page flyer
* Spring 97 4-page flyer
* Late Spring 97 4-page flyer

* "Get your money's worth" flyer
* Free tutor lesson and pro lesson rebate coupons
