Mark Balzer (m-balzer@STUDENTS.UIUC.EDU)
Tue, 3 Dec 1996 21:23:18 -0600


Due to technical difficulties, our regularly scheduled general meeting
has been postponed.

The December general meeting has been rescheduled for Monday, December 9
from 9 - 9:30pm in room 310 Freer Hall (Freer Gym). After some dance
practice, we'll turn the music off and the meeting will convene. Free
pizza and soda will be provided during the meeting. Then the music goes
back on.

The meeting agenda is as follows:

1. Officer reports.

2. Spring semester plans

3. Close nominations and hold election for new Treasurer and
Social Chairperson (or Co-Social Co-chairpersons).

The Dancing Illini is losing a few officers to graduation.
In order to continue presenting quality, fun-filled activities
like classes, dances, workshops, practices, social get-togethers and
dance teams, WE NEED YOUR HELP!

** Would you like to receive free admission to these DI activites? **

Become a club officer!

Nominations are currently being taken for the following positions:

o Treasurer
o Social Chairperson, or Co-Social Chairpersons

Duties for each position are outlined in the Constitution of the
Dancing Illini in Article II - Governance. You can find the
Constitution on the DI Web Page, or obtain a hard copy at practice.
The address of the DI Web Page is: <http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/dancing>

If you are interested in filling the positions of Treasurer or
Social Chair(s), or are willing to volunteer your time, please
contact your dedicated Dancing Illini officers at:
