Discount Coupons for Friday Night at the Regent

Mark Balzer (m-balzer@STUDENTS.UIUC.EDU)
Wed, 21 Aug 1996 23:43:07 -0500

Hi everyone,

This Friday is our DI Field Trip to the dance party at the Regent Ballroom.

David Lin has graciously given us coupons that will save you $2 off the
regular $6 admission price of the 8-11pm dance party at the Regent this
Friday. Additionally, this week's dance party is special - it will
continue to 11:15, and the last half hour will be solid Hustle, West Coast
Swing, 2-step & Salsa. It's guaranteed to be "Hot, Hot, Hot!" In hopes of
containing this Disco Inferno, the Illinois National Guard will be standing
ready with instructions to set "back-parties."

After the 8:00-11:15pm dance, Sheena will lead a group to the Brew `n View
on Goodwin Ave, Urbana, for the Midnight showing of Mystery Science Theatre

If you pay for the Regent dance, admission to the Salsa dance (11:30 - 2am)
is free. If you just show up to the Salsa dance, I have coupons that will
save you $1 off the regular $3 admission price.

To obtain the coupons, come to room 45 in the basement of the Mechanical
Engineering Building. The coupons will be in an envelope taped to the
door. Take one.

You may also obtain $2 coupons from Tanja Hodges and Sheena Beaverson.

See you there!


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