Beginner Argentine Tango course starts Thursday at Phillips Center

From: Tango Society of Central Illinois (tango.society@GMAIL.COM)
Date: Mon Oct 18 2010 - 19:56:01 CDT

  • Next message: Muge Dizen: "CUATSALSA CLASSES START ON FEB 2!"

    Starting this Thursday at the Phillips Recreation Center, 505 W
    Stoughton, Urbana:

    Foundations of Tango
    Thursdays 8-9:40 PM
    Oct 21 - Nov 18 (5 weeks)
    Cost: $45 / $35 students
    No partner or experience required

    Argentine Tango is a unique dancing experience. Instead of learning
    set sequences, you learn about a half dozen basic movements and then
    embark on a journey of creative improvisation, learning how to create
    new sequences every time you dance. For the follower, you relax into
    the moment, into a state of awareness, interpeting the lead and adding
    your energy and your expression. Unlike dances that have a set
    rhythmic pattern, Argentine Tango dancers are always playing with the
    music, varying their sequences of quick and slow movements, even using
    pauses. There are always surprises in dancing Argentine Tango. The
    music itself is rich in both rhythm and melody, and beautiful to dance

    This is how tango is learned in Argentina, the birthplace of tango.
    Ron & Susana travel to Buenos Aires every year to learn with master
    instructors and interact with dancers in the milongas (tango social
    dances) to learn about Argentine Tango culture. In their unique method
    of teaching, they communicate to their students the authentic
    characteristics of Argentine Tango. They are recognized both locally
    and wherever their students travel for producing students who develop
    a high skill level in tango.

    Come and join us in learning tango. Not only our our classes friendly
    and a lot of fun, with a lot of practice, but we host also about 15
    milongas per year at the Phillips Center, where we set up a friendly
    tango cafe atmosphere that enhances social interaction.

    Our beginner course - Foundations of Tango - starts this Thursday
    October 21. Take the time to learn the authentic Argentine Tango as it
    is danced in Argentina, taught by experienced instructors who produce
    good dancers. Class starts at 8 PM, but come to the Phillips center
    early to register. You don't need a partner.

    We look forward to seeing you.

    Ron & Susana

    For more information:

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