Wednesday is last chance to join Fundamentals of Tango class

From: Ron Weigel (RonWeigel@AOL.COM)
Date: Tue Sep 16 2003 - 00:20:24 CDT

  • Next message: Ron Weigel: "Re: Wednesday is last chance to join Fundamentals of Tango class"

    We have a nice sized Fundamentals of Tango class at the Phillips Center on
    Wednesday - over 20 people - but we have 2 extra men so, ladies, here's a rare
    moment - we're short of women for dancing. So, our Fundamentals of Tango class
    is still open to women and couples. But you must join this week. Here are the

    Fundamentals of Tango
    Wednesdays Sept 10 - Oct 8 (5 weeks)
    8:30 - 10 PM

    at the Phillips Recreation Center
    505 W Stoughton

    This class teaches fundamentals - walking, the cross, forward and back ochos,
    and changes of direction.

    We stress technique, improvisation, and musicality. So even if you've had
    some tango instruction before, this could be a good review and expansion upon
    your knowledge base.

    We look forward to seeing you in class on Wednesday.

    Ron & Susana

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