Boycott the Regent

From: patton paul (
Date: Sat May 10 2003 - 00:32:08 CDT

  • Next message: John Stone: "Re: Boycott the Regent"

    This evening I attempted to attend the Salsa dance at the Regent Ballroom.
    I was wearing black slacks and a dressy black T-shirt featuring a nice
    print of two cute treefrogs. It is one of my favorite shirts. I was
    turned away because the Regent's new stricter dress code now prohibits
    all T-shirts. I have a collection of T-shirts featuring such creatures as
    frogs, lizards, jellyfish, and bats. They are high quality shirts
    purchased at such places as zoos and museums, and they have often in the
    past been part of my attire at the Regent. The decision to prohibit
    T-shirts was made by one man: the Regent's owner. Let's show him that the
    function of a business is to serve its customers- not to dictate to them.
    Let's show him that we value variety and individual expressiveness more
    than conformist snobbery. Let's boycott the Regent until this silly new
    extension of the dress code is rescinded.
    -Paul Patton

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