Tango Society Courses Start After Spring Break at Phillips Center

From: Ron Weigel (RonWeigel@aol.com)
Date: Wed Mar 26 2003 - 10:04:19 CST

  • Next message: beaverson sheena k: "Tim Auclair WCS Workshops in central IL"

    Susana and I will be starting another session of tango classes at the
    Phillips Recreation Center after Spring Break.
    Tell your friends about the following beginner course to get them interested
    in tango:

    Fundamentals of Tango

    This course covers the fundamentals of (salon style) tango: walking, the
    cross, forward and back ochos, paradas, cambio de frente, and media vuelta.
    Partner communication and linking of patterns to navigate around the dance
    floor will be emphasized.

    Pre-requisite: This course is intended for those with no or limited prior
    tango experience. It is also a good review course for dancers with some tango

    Dates: Mondays Mar 31 - May 5 (6 weeks)
    Time: 8:30 - 10 PM
    Cost: $36

    For you tango veterans, here is the course for you (unless, of course, you
    want to take the Fundamentals course for a thorough review, and you are
    welcome to take both courses):

    Intermediate Tango (Salon Style)
    Topic: Navigation and Improvisation

    This course will emphasize constructing dance patterns from basic elements in
    salon style tango, with the goal of navigating around the dance floor. Thus,
    instead of teaching fixed step patterns, we will teach you tools for creating
    numerous combinations on your own. Concepts to be applied will include
    parallel and crossed feet walking, enfrente and outside partner positions,
    and alternative strategies for stops and changes of direction. Instruction
    will focus on use of adornments, ocho variations and stationary and
    progressive turns, within the context of improvisation and navigation. These
    topics will be covered within the framework of musicality and appropriate
    techniques for leading and following.

    Pre-requisite: Beginner course in tango, or acquisition of skills taught in a
    basic course.
    Dates: Wednesdays April 2 - May 7 (6 weeks)
    Time: 8:30 - 10 PM
    Cost: $36

    All courses are taught at the Phillips Recreation Center, 505 W Stoughton,

    To register, visit the Phillips Center or call 367-1544.

    Join us in the fun experience of learning tango.

    Ron & Susana

    For complete, accurate, up-to-date information on activities of the Tango
    Society of Central Illinois, consult our website:


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