Milonga & Tango Workshops this Saturday Oct 6 a

From: TangoLeon@AOL.COM
Date: Tue Oct 02 2001 - 22:44:37 CDT

  • Next message: tangoleon@AOL.COM: "[cu-tango] Update: Tango Workshops with Erica Sutton Saturday"

    As our tango community grows and flourishes, we have more opportunities to
    dance and learn tango. Join us this Saturday Oct 6 at the Phillips Recreation
    Center for a specially scheduled milonga and pre-milonga workshops. Erica
    Sutton from the Chicago School of Tango will present 2 pre-milonga workshops.
    Erica's descriptions follow:

    (1) Workshop in Women's Technique [ 5:45 - 7:15 PM ]

    Ladies! Let's explore the idea of moving and responding with power and using
    our dynamic energy to activate how we dance tango. We will start with
    techniques for moving under our own control and in balance, then move to
    reacting with energy and finally embellishing with a purpose. As a group we
    will discover how to dance flirty, elegant, strong and beautiful. Let's
    drive the men a bit nuts!

    II. Creating an Improvisational Tango 7:30 - 9 PM

    Feel like you dance the same way to each song? Does your partner know your
    next step before you even take it!? This class is designed to help both
    leaders and followers discover the hidden possibilities that are lurking in
    the patterns they already dance by habit. We will investigate how to begin
    to develop a more creative dance - one that is changing and responding to the
    music! Taking steps we already know and a few new ones, we will turn the
    dance around and look at it from a new perspective. This is one class
    guaranteed to be thought-provoking and amusing!

    Workshop Cost: $15 for 1, $25 for 2 (includes milonga admission)

    Milonga only: $3

    This is a return visit for Erica, who came to Urbana with Federico Costantino
    in April. She is a lively engaging instructor who focuses in clearly on areas
    to improve your dancing. Favorable responses to her Women's Technique
    workshop in April has led to this follow-up visit. I invited the workshop on
    Improvisation because it is rarely taught and yet so central to tango.

    Don't miss these opportunities to improve your tango. See you Saturday.


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