Oops, The Daily Illini did it again...

From: charles joseph smith (cjsmith2@students.uiuc.edu)
Date: Fri Sep 14 2001 - 15:42:59 CDT

  • Next message: Peter_Bruhn@MCKINSEY.COM: "Montreal - Places to dance?"

    Nope. The Daily Illini is not Britney Spears, but there was a misprint.

    The Daily Illini newspaper in the Friday, September 14
    issue mistakenly mentioned that there was supposed to
    be salsa dancing at the Regent tonight.

    Dario Farias, on the contrary, said there will be no salsa at the Regent
    this week--next
    week, there will be salsa at the Regent, on the 21st.

    Don't worry. There will be a 'salsa bootcamp' workshop instead, hosted
    by Bris at
    the Highdive in Champaign, at 7pm tonight, followed by social salsa dancing,
    for those who still love to salsa on Friday night. The Highdive is about
    two blocks north of the MTD bus terminal, and just near the Amtrak train

    Sorry for the incovenience.


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