The Growth of Tango in Urbana-Champaign

From: TangoLeon@AOL.COM
Date: Tue Aug 28 2001 - 00:59:38 CDT

  • Next message: tangoleon@AOL.COM: "[cu-tango] The Growth of Tango in Urbana-Champaign"

    There has been significant growth in the Argentine tango community in
    Urbana-Champaign in the last 6-8 months. Many new people have taken their
    first lessons and most importantly, many are continuing to learn and enjoy
    this most wonderful of dances. Summer is usually a slow time in our beloved
    twin cities, but the tango community was active all summer with classes,
    practicas, and milongas. Instead of slowing down, the tango community
    accelerated its growth. Some people who had taken classes a while ago became
    more active. Some people who had been inactive returned to an active tango
    life. A significant number of new people (many of them ballroom dancers)
    joined the milonguero life with passion.

    The milonga at the Phillips Center last Saturday was evidence of that growth.
    There were close to 50 people there. They danced a lot, danced well, and
    stayed to the end. It was one of the most exciting milongas we've had.

    If you''ve been sitting on the sidelines, having an interest in tango that
    has not yet been realized, there is no better time than now to join us in our
    classes, practicas, and milongas. You will be part of this significant
    community growth.

    The next milonga at the Phillips Recreation Center will be on Saturday
    September 22nd. It will undoubtedly be an exciting one. There will be live
    music by the


    Join us. If you're a quiet closet tanguero, now is the time to come out of
    the closet and take the introductory lesson before the milonga. Then stay for
    the milonga, dance a little (or a lot), and enjoy the wonderful music of our
    local tango band.

    I hope to see you dancing tango soon.


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