Midwest area dance opportunities

From: beaverson sheena k (sbeavers@staff.uiuc.edu)
Date: Mon Jul 30 2001 - 10:29:37 CDT

Chicago Rebels WCS dance: Friday, August 24 in Franklin Park, IL. Come
watch the finals of the 2000-2001 year-long Jack-and-Jill contest. There
should be a big crowd at this dance out to cheer on the finalists.

Beata Howe Workshops - Hustle and WCS (on Mondays and Wednesdays during
the month of August in Franklin Park, IL)

East meets West dance, Sunday August 12 at the Arthur Murray Dance Studio
in Chicago. 3-4:30 WCS Crash Course, 4:30-6 Lindy Hop Crash Course, 7-12
'Melting Pot' dance featuring music for both Lindy Hop and West Coast

Michigan Dance Classic, August 17-19 in Mt. Pleasant, MI. A great weekend
of Hustle and Swing workshops, competitions and open dancing.

Chicago Classic 2001, September 14-16 (this will be the last year the
Chicago Rebels put on this huge WCS weekend of workshops, competitions,
open dancing, shows and exhibitions)

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