The current developer of VMD is John E. Stone. The list of individuals that made signficant contributions to this version of VMD in the form of patches, bug fixes, and completely new plugins includes Anton Arkhipov, Michael Bach, Robert Brunner, Jordi Cohen, Simon Cross, Markus Dittrich, John Eargle, Peter Freddolino, Luis Gracia, Justin Gullingsrud, David Hardy, Konrad Hinsen, James Gumbart, Robert Johnson, Axel Kohlmeyer, Michell Kuttel, John Mongan, Jim Phillips, Elijah Roberts, Jan Saam, Alexander Spaar, Marcos Sotomayor, Leonardo Trabuco, Dan Wright, and Kirby Vandivort.
We are very interested in and grateful for any user comments and reports of program bugs or inaccuracies. If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or general comments about VMD, please send them to us at