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16.3 save/load VMD state information


One of the more frequently requested options is the ability to save the current state of VMD to a file so it can be recovered. It is possible to log the core commands to a file and play them back later, and reconstruct everything that way. However, that is quite cumbersome and slow, so a better way is needed.  

Because we are making much of the VMD data accessible at the Tcl script level, we decided to implement the save/restore option as a Tcl command. This is actually a rather complicated process and some of the things to watch out for are:

Ivo Hofacker has graciously struggled through all the above caveats to write a set of Tcl commands which will save nearly all of the current VMD state to a file, and restore it back again. The commands are

If you plan to write scripts which interact with VMD itself (not just the analysis commands), you are highly advised to look at the commands, which are defined in $VMDDIR/scripts/vmd/save_state.tcl (The code is too long to be included in this section.)

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Sergei Izrailev
Fri Jul 25 17:07:27 CDT 1997