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Registering VMD

VMD is made available free of charge for noncommercial use to all interested users (but please see the Disclaimer below). We would like to request that you register with us that you are using VMD. This is so that we can maintain some idea of the number of users of the program and so that we know who to contact about program updates, bug fixes, etc. To register, please fill out the form on this page and mail or fax it to the following address:

VMD Registration
Theoretical Biophysics Group
Beckman Institute, University of Illinois
405 North Matthews
Urbana, IL 61801
fax: (217) 244-6078
You may also e-mail a message with the relevant information to:
or fill out the form at We appreciate very much your help in this service.

VMD Registration and Feedback Form
Version 1.2b2, May 8, 1998

  1. Name:
  2. Email address:
  3. Organization:
  4. Research interests:
  5. Approximate number of people who use VMD at your site:
  6. Where did you hear about VMD ?
  7. What features do you think should be added?
  8. How can we improve the documentation?
  9. Other comments?

Sergei Izrailev
Tue May 12 17:52:44 CDT 1998